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The Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) is an intergovernmental organisation of 50+ rainforest nations working together to reduce emissions from deforestation.

They originated the global conservation mechanism – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) to stop deforestation. REDD+ was successfully mandated in the Paris Climate Agreement (2015), and now covers 90% of the world’s tropical rainforests.

In their day-to-day work, the coalition assists governments, communities, and peoples in tropical nations to conserve their rainforests. In particular, CfRN aims to develop policy and tools that both protect forested lands and:

  • Support biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and poverty alleviation

  • Improve the living standards of people living in forested areas

  • Guarantee the long-term security of these people’s living standards

  • Set a precedent for other similarly forested countries

For more information about CFRN, visit their website.

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