Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement focused on a single question:
How can we best help others?
Learn more with a free book
We’re giving away free copies of William MacAskill’s book, Doing Good Better, to help people learn more about effective altruism. (New Zealand mailing addresses only, sorry!)
Find out more and request your free copy below.
How do we choose what to prioritise?
There are so many problems in the world that deciding what to work on can feel overwhelming. Should we focus on people or animals? Curing cancer or combatting climate change?
It can seem impossible to compare such different ways of doing good, but with sufficient evidence and careful reasoning, we can begin to answer these questions.
Donate to highly effective charities
You donate highly effective global health and development charities through the EA NZ Charitable Trust, and to organisations working in other cause areas through our donor-advised fund.
Join our community
Joining the effective altruism community can be one of the best ways to increase your impact. Plus you get to enjoy the company of like-minded people! Working together, we can achieve far more than we could individually.
You can get involved in the global effective altruism community, or a local EA NZ group.
Subscribe to our newsletter
We send out an email every three months. Stay up to date with the latest news from the community, upcoming events, and fundraising opportunities.