Support cost effective work to combat climate change

Charities > Longterm Future > Climate > Cool Earth

Cool Earth is an international NGO that protects endangered rainforest in order to combat global warming, protect ecosystems and provide employment for local people.

Deforestation is not the sole cause of climate change but it is significant, being responsible for around 8% of CO2 emissions. More importantly, keeping rainforests intact could provide up to 23% of climate mitigation urgently needed to cool our planet.¹

Climate impact research over the last decade shows that people who live in the rainforest have historically been the best at shaping and stewarding these ecosystems. Based on this knowledge, Cool Earth works by giving cash directly to rainforest communities. This allows indigenous peoples, who are often excluded from climate and conservation funding altogether, to fund projects that create choice, tackle the root causes of deforestation and protect vital carbon sinks.

For more information about Cool Earth, visit their website.

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