Support research into improving wild animal welfare

The Wild Animal Initiative (WAI) is a non-profit research institute creating an academic field dedicated to wild animal welfare.

By conducting their own research and helping support the needs of other wild animal researchers, WAI aims to garner public and academic interest in wild animal welfare and identify evidence-based solutions to the struggles wild animals face.

In support of this goal, they:

  • compile literature reviews, write theoretical and opinion articles, and publish research results on their website and in peer-reviewed journals.

  • support scientists, experts, academics, and funders in the field. This includes partnering with scientists on high-impact research, facilitating networking opportunities for wild animal researchers, providing career advice, issuing grants and connecting researchers to funding sources, and reviewing research proposals for funders

  • organise an annual Wild Animal Welfare Summit, host discussions at conferences, and produce Wildness, a podcast on wild animal welfare

For more information about the Wild Animal Initiative, visit their website

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